Zoe Church is a diverse community who embodies abundant life (zoe) by practicing the way of Jesus,
seeking reconciliation, and serving our city.
Our Story
Zoe Church was born out of a burden for our city & the hope of the Gospel. When founding Pastors Brandon & Laura Robinson met in 2013, they knew then that they’d plant a church in Charlotte one day. God has been faithful & generous in expanding that vision over the last 10 years, and now we are less than a year away from an official launch.
Charlotte is not just a fast growing city in a great market, it is our home. It is the place we want to spend our lives cultivating the Kingdom of God. Since its inception, God has been faithfully redeeming and restoring this city through the faithfulness of his Church, and we want in. We want to be one of the churches that God uses to do what He has always done and always will do - restore and reconcile His creation, both people and places, back to Himself. We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us and by God’s grace, one day others will stand on our shoulders.
Brandon serves as Lead Pastor of Zoe Church, and Laura serves as Pastor of Community & Culture. They work arm-in-arm to lead and build Zoe Church as The Lord directs. We’re serious about using everything we’ve got for the glory of God & the good of others, and we want to see Charlotte thrive.
Reconciliation: The good news of the Gospel is that the work of Jesus on the cross reconciled us to God, and as a result, we are now able to be reconciled with one another. This reconciliation is the catalyst for everything we do. (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)
Formation: We engage in communal and individual Biblical practices that form us into people who act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. (Ephesians 4:12, Micah 6:8, Romans 12:1-2)
Mission: We believe that our formation is expressed through engaging the needs, desires, joys, and pains of our city. (Jeremiah 29)
Generosity: God is abundantly generous towards us. Therefore, we extend generosity to each other, to our neighborhood, and to our partners in the work of the Gospel. (Ephesians 3:20-21)